Planet x book of revelations

What this matrix brings out is a further strengthening of the terms that attest to the revelation 12 red dragon being possibly planet x as the term, the virgin, dragon and wandering speak of the irregular elliptical circuit that the nemesis 2nd sun apparently has. Planet x was the subject of free and open debate among astronomers and scientists decades ago. The book of revelation is the final book of the bible in which john the apostle outlined his visions of the end times. Is coronavirus the prophesied plague in the book of revelation. The revelation 12 sign prophecy is an apocalyptic belief that an astronomical alignment on september 23, 2017 fulfilled the first two verses of revelation 12. The glory of jesus exposed the second coming i watched as he opened the sixth seal. A pole shift creates tsunamis and violent ocean level risesup to 400 feet and more. Book of revelation warns epidemic will kill 2 billion people. The revelation passage may not be saying that the star falling to the earth will actually be called wormwood by the inhabitants of the earth. Planet x book of revelations, is planet x referenced in the bible in the book of revelations. There is strong biblical merit with the eye witness accounts that tie it to multable main events in the torah and bible. Planet x more information soon the nibiru collision is a supposed encounter between the earth and a large planetary object, either a collision or a near miss which certain subcultural groups believe will take place in the early 21st century.

In the bible codes planet x is found in ezekiel 41. When revelation begins to unfold, there will likely be war and famine as part of the first seven seals. He will tread the winepress of the fury of the wrath of god the almighty. The book of revelation may hold vital clues about the coronavirus epidemic if outrageous claims made by christian hardliners are to be believed. The book of revelation contains much detail about the beast and the dragon, that i presume to be a description of the red star, the planet nibiru.

Some speculate that it has its orbit much like that of a comet, thus the term. Wormwood is mentioned seven times in the hebrew bible, always with the implication of bitterness. Based on the kolbrin bibles book of creation its apparent that a wandering planet struck the original earth with a glancing blow. The book of revelation is a cryptogram set by the almighty, and it is solvable, according to the book of daniel at the very end of.

Bible prophecy breakthrough reveals end times survival roadmap. The book of revelation is kicked off, you might say, by the psalm 83 war. The third angel blew his trumpet, and a great star fell. The highly controversial planet x which is an alleged planetary object that supposedly lurks on the edge of our solar system and is heading inwards. Because of our cultural fascination with the apocalypse and a dystopian future, even if youve never read a word of the bible youve likely heard of the antichrist the beast and his mark, or number 666. It is framed by these two crises and throughout the middle wormwood planet x brings judgment after judgment on the planet. There is strong biblical merit with the eye witness accounts that tie it to multiple main events in the torah and bible. The video was produced by bandwidth bros and directed by moses israel.

Coronavirus disease covid19 could kill a quarter of the worlds population if a chilling prophecy in the bibles book of revelation comes to pass, christian evangelists have claimed. In this view, the book contains neither historical allusions nor predictive prophecy. Share book of revelations with everyone you know and lets talk. Find out how the great earthquake and nibiru tie in with bible prophesy. It contains absolutely amazing revelations that direct us to one precise point in time in 2017.

The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red, and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as late. Planet x is close here is some evidence nibiru wormwood is now the zeta talk are the etextraterrestrial evil spirits beings that are evil demon. According to the book of revelation, there really is a rogue dwarf planet out there that will bring destruction to the earth, named wormwood rev 8. This name indicates the meaning of revelation it uncovers matters that had been hidden and discloses events that would happen long after it was written. Planetx is the main event of the great tribulation in the book of revelation. Planet x, the sign of the son of man, and the end of the. Rogue planet nibiru will not herald the rapture on april 23. Book of revelation explained scripture by scripture. Thats great to hear, as so many people promote the concept of planet x, nibiru. The speculation of a planet headed into our solar system was first acknowledged and then later rejected by nasa. Revelation 7 seals and planet 7x may 20, 2014 comments off on revelation 7 seals and planet 7x by t2b. A third of the earth was burned up, along with a third of the trees and all the green grass. Revelations end times underground shelter end times prophecy garda italy aliens and ufos lake garda lens flare heavens billboard please place your planet x related captures here due to the expectation of increased signs in the sky, this post was created to collect videos and photos of planet x and other related effects for better org.

The existence of planet x is beyond any reasonable doubt, to a moral certainty. There are many references also to the seven angels, who are the 7 moons of nibiru. In the 1970s there was an extremely popular book titled the late great planet earth which allegedly interpreted the book of revelation. The biggest secret of mankind pt 2 sphinx, planet x and the book of revelation st fr. Because of our cultural fascination with the apocalypse and a dystopian future, even if youve never read a word of the bible youve likely heard. The book of revelations, book of revelations, book of revelation, the book of revelation, book of revelations summary, book of revelation explained, book of revelations predictions. Rather, wormwood was a wellknown bitter herb in the bible times, so by naming the star wormwood, we are told that its effect will be to embitter the waters of the earth, so much so that the water is. Nibiru news the revelation sign of planet x in 2017 and more. The greek name of the bible book of revelation, apoka. What is explicitly described in the book is what will happen when the sixth seal is opened.

Meade has concluded that the prophetic book of revelation actually foretells the apocalyptic arrival of planet x in our time period, and he added that bible code expert rabbi glazerson also backs a similar timeline. The word wormwood appears several times in the old testament, translated from the hebrew term. Planet x 7x 7 x earth diameter is the main event of the great tribulation in the book of revelation. Planet x to trigger apocalypse this year and the elite. He says that people at the time of the writing of revelation, believed that falling stars were celestial beings, fallen angels. There was a great fiery red dragon having seven heads and 10 horns, and on his heads were seven diadems. Among the things found in this book was the idea that revelation was speaking about such things as the soviet union, nuclear attacks between the ussr and the us, etc. Dax posted the following statement in the description of the video for book of revelations on youtube on the 27th of february 2020, is the world coming to an end. In fact, the book of revelation the last book of the bible lays out a detailed timeline of all bible prophecy starting from when the good times we enjoy now abruptly end, up through the return of jesus christ, israels messiah, several years later. The book of revelations full holy bible movie video. Nibiru sometimes called planet x is supposed to appear in the sky on april 23 and pass by earth in october, triggering volcanoes of apocalyptic proportions. This view also ignores revelations prophetic character and, if carried to its logical conclusion, severs the book from any connection with actual historical events. A depiction of the mythical planet nibiru, or planet x, as it hurtles towards earth credit.

This wandering planet, which the ancient sumerians called nibiru, initially came through our solar system between the orbits of jupiter and. Wormwood and planet x nibiru the new testament book of revelation is a book about the end of the world as we know it. Planet x is a cryptogram and this book contains the keys necessary to decode it. The biggest secret of mankind pt 2 sphinx, planet x and. Please practice handwashing and social distancing, and check out our resources for adapting to these times. From his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations, and he will rule them with a rod of iron. Planet x causes the majority of the impact damage of the book of revelation, as described in the trumpet and bowl judgments. Planet x presents compelling evidence that this mysterious tenth planet was used by god to not only create the heavens and earth, but also to herald the birth of christ as the star of bethlehem, and to herald his return in the endtimes as the sign of the son of man and the end of the age. The end of the world will be preceded by widespread pestilence and. This date coincided with the autumnal equinox and the end of the catholic september ember days. The revelation sign of planet x in 2017 january 24, 2016 david meade, planet x, writers 0 comments facebook twi. We will see christ later in the book of revelation ruling with a rod of iron.

The book of revelation the dark star planet x hidden in. When everything is considered together, it fits together perfectly like a watch. My books title helps redirect people intrigued by the planet x theory to the truth revealed in the bible. Harrington searched for the same object that famous astronomers such as percival lowell also searched for. Getty contributor methodist conspiracy theorist david meade has tied in biblical stories with the.